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Secret Sales Strategies Missing in your Business that DON'T require Launching


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How do you seamlessly add an option for an additional level of support to your membership for clients who not only want the monthly group calls but also some 1:1 time?
What happens to the leads who don't buy your main offer from your masterclass because they weren't quite ready yet, but they're still hot leads?
WTF is a tripwire? (And why would you need one??)

That's what I'm covering in my new masterclass Secret Sales Strategies Missing in Your Business that DON'T Require Launching

This isn't about creating new offers and building out your offer suite with 10 new things that you have to keep track of.

I'm going to show you how you can optimize opportunities to add more revenue using the offers you currently have.

If you want to know how to take advantage of your current offer suite and make more sales without increasing the time you're already putting in or doing extra launches...

Join me on August 29!

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You'll also get exclusive access to FREE tips, trainings and information that I send with 💗 periodically to my email community.

Unsubscribe anytime in a click.

Sign up here so you don't miss any exclusive systems tips and first access to new offers!

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