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For female entrepreneurs wanting to make an IMPACT with your business AND in your life...

Systems School

The 6 month program where we set up the business automations that give you the time, space, and energy to make more money in your business AND enjoy the free time in your LIFE!!

Let's Talk About Who This Is For...

You're a  highly motivated female entrepreneur making less than 100K a year and you've tried the masterminds, coaching, and memberships - but nothing has made a difference in the amount of time you're still having to spend IN your business on tasks so you can take on more clients and increase your income.
These are likely the tasks that you're currently doing... sending all your links manually, trying to keep up with your leads in the DMs, and remembering to send out all your email reminders for memberships, networking calls, and client meetings... 
You KNOW you were meant to make an IMPACT with your business and in your life. But you can't do it by spending all your time trying to figure out the tech side of business or having to find the link for someone to pay during date night because you don't have a sales page and you're worried you'll miss the sale... 

It's time for automations and systems.

Creating another offer isnt going to be the solution to allow you to work with more clients if you dont have the time in your day to begin with automations and systems will. 

You can refine your messaging all day until you *might* go viral but if you don't have the automations and systems in place to handle a ton of people coming in at once and EASILY add those new followers to your email list - you've lost all those leads.

Putting the RIGHT automations and systems in place for YOUR business gives you the time to get back to why you started your business in the first place. 

To create an impact in the lives of your clients. 

AND to have the freedom and flexibility to enjoy your own life.

Systems School is not another generic group program where you get lost in the crowd.

We are CUSTOMIZING automations and systems specific to your business.

Group calls

Twice a month we have group calls to go over the monthly topic and combine strategy with the tech.

This is where we'll be going deeper than setting up just another landing page or email sequence. We'll be talking about the specifics of what you need when to make the most of systems and automations for your business NOW and in the FUTURE. 

Group text messaging

Between our calls and as you are working in real time on your automations and through the course - you'll have access to me Monday to Thursday to ask any questions that may come up. 

Any time you get stuck or find that something isn't working quite the way you thought it might - because we all know, that's the way tech works some times - you'll be able to reach out and get help as soon as you need!

Monthly 1:1 calls

This is where the customization magic happens! 

Each month, for the 6 months of the program, you receive a 30 min 1:1 call with me so can really dive into the strategy, automations, and systems specific to YOUR business. 

Not only does this provide an extra level of accountability, it allows me to help you individually with the strategy and support you need to get this set up. 

Imagine How It Could Feel To...

Have a STRATEGIC automated sales system for each of your offers...

Each of your offers will be set up to take someone from landing on your page or content - through one click - to being added to your email list, nurtured automatically on the back end, able to sign up for your offer, be onboarded into your business, and become a new client! 

Get time back

Automating tasks and having the RIGHT systems in your business allows you to get back to focusing on why you started your business - to work with clients. 

You'll have more time to work with clients if you aren't manually sending every email reminder for each of your calls, you no longer have to add every person individually to your membership - it's done in your automated onboarding, and you know that people can go to your landing page to opt in for your freebie or your sales page to sign up - without you having to send the link!

You can get back to living in and enjoying your life AND making an impact with your business.

Never get held back by tech again.

You'll know how to set up your automations and systems NOW and for the FUTURE.

Any new offers or business updates won't be a problem and won't mean hours spent trying to figure out how to set up a simple landing page or email automation. 

Why Systems School?

By combining customized sales and marketing strategy WITH systems and automations, I'm teaching you my unique Systems Flow Method. This means that ALL your systems and automations are strategically set up within your business to create an organized flow - for lead to client in each offer, and with the day to day processes and tasks to give you time back in your business.
I can see the gaps you can fill in with automation to make sure you aren't missing any follow-ups from sales calls,  or losing leads from your social media because they aren't sure where to go next. We'll create or improve your sales system for each offer and you'll learn how you can save time by taking the tasks off your plate that can be easily automated.
You'll learn the step-by-step HOW behind automations and systems so you're able to set them up for yourself quickly and not get stuck on the tech

Check out what's included:

7 course modules - email to task automation

I've created easy to follow, step by step video modules that will walk you through setting up all your business automations including: email with automations and sequences, landing pages, sales pages, funnels, repeatable launch systems, and Asana systems and workflows!

Everything you need to automate and systematize your business so you can save time, increase your income, and shut your laptop at the end of the day knowing everything is done and you have the systems and automations  in place to support you!

Multiple platforms to learn on

I'll be showing you how to set up systems and automations on multiple platforms so you have the opportunity to choose which is the best option for you!

The platforms we'll be using include ShinePages, ThriveCart, ConvertKit, Zapier, and Asana.

If you aren't sure which is right for you, not to worry! We'll figure it out together and get you started on the platform(s) that are best for you now and as you grow in the future!

Lifetime course access

After the 6 months is done, you can still come back to the course modules and resources at any time. 

If you create a new offer or need to update any of your automations and systems - you won't have to question if you're setting it up properly. 

You can come back, watch what you need to review and get it done!


It means you get to focus on what's most important...

Making your own hours. 

Increasing your income. 

Creating the IMPACT with your clients and business that you started this for.

Starting Jan 2025



Systems Mapping and Creating your Systems Flow

We'll be mapping out the EXACT automations and systems you need for your business.

The MOST important part of automating and systems is creating a flow between them so they work together within your business to ensure you're fully supported. 


Leads and Sales Systems 

Starting with the RIGHT lead magnets for each of your offers to the email automations you need for follow-up and nurturing on the back end, followed by sales pages and proper automated onboarding. 

This creates what I call a one-click lead to client system which starts when someone lands on your content and opts in for your lead magnet and is automated through to onboarding!


Sales and Launching

We'll be putting together everything you've learned so far with a content system which lays out exactly what you need to post from promoting your freebie leading up to your launch period, for each day of your launch, on which platforms, as well as the types of content to use throughout! 

This creates repeatable launch systems that you can use over and over instead of starting each launch from scratch. 


Launching and Organization

Once you have your launch systems set up, the next step is to combine them with your goals for your business and create your overall business plan and organize your business processes in Asana.

We'll go into how you can break down YOUR business plan and processes month to month and translate that into the daily tasks you need to do, as well as what can be streamlined with custom automations and systems so you'll never be wondering what's coming next or what you need to focus on day to day.


Automating tasks

We'll go over which tasks are most beneficial for you to automate to save time and make sure you aren't forgetting any of the MANY things that need to be done to run your business!

To free up time and shut your laptop at the end of the day WITHOUT the continuous to-do list still running through your head - we'll figure out what you need to organize and automate!


Wrap up and Questions

Anything we haven't covered or need to dive into further, we'll be doing in our last month together!

You'll have lots of time to ask any questions you have remaining and make sure you have your systems set up and running before you're finished in Systems School!

8 month EXTENDED payment plan

Purchase lifetime access to Systems School with any future updates

Includes 6 months of 2x monthly group support calls + 4 days/wk group text messaging support!!


30 min 1:1 call each month

$375/mo x 8 mo

6 Month Payment Plan

Purchase lifetime access to Systems School with any future updates

Includes 6 months of 2x monthly group support calls + 4 days/wk group text messaging support!!


30 min 1:1 call each month

$497/mo x 6 mo


Purchase lifetime access to Systems School with any future updates

Includes 6 months of 2x monthly group support calls and 4 days/wk group text messaging support!!


30 min 1:1 call each month


Have Questions? 

Check out these frequently asked questions to learn more! If I haven't answered your question here, feel free to reach out and I'll be sure to get back to you! 

Do I get the entire course at once?



This course is not dripped out. You will receive access to all modules at once to work through on your own timeline. I recommend going through one at a time, implementing that system and then moving to the next for best results and so you don't get overwhelmed with too much information at once! 

When are the monthly support calls?

The second and last Thursday of each month. 


Monthly support calls will take place on the second and last Thursday of each month (*usually*) at 2PM EST. You will receive a reminder email prior to each call the week of the call, and 1 hour before the call. If you miss a call, they will be recorded and added to the course hub within 24 hours for you to watch! 

*There may be times we need to reschedule but you will know in advance if this is the case*

How do I ask a question if I have to miss the monthly call?

There will be a Google form sent out prior to the call every month. 


Be sure you're checking your emails! At the beginning of each month, I'll be sending out an email with the Google form for you to fill out with any questions you have so that if you have to miss the call, you can still be sure your question is answered! Even if you know you can make it, you can still submit your question ahead of time as well to ensure you don't forget and you receive the support you need!

hey, i'm Tara!

I'm a systems and automations expert and business mentor who helps female entrepreneurs increase your income and create lifelong business sustainability, that allows you to make the IMPACT you want in your business and life, by setting up back end automations!

I used to think I could get by on payment links, posting, some hopes and prayers... I was working my ASS OFF.  My income was stuck. I was frustrated. And I was SICK of trying to get somewhere by looking at (and investing in) programs that didn't teach how to properly set up the back end of my business.

It felt like NOTHING was working. 

I had to take a HARD look at what really needed to happen to turn things around so I wasn't spending ALL my time in my business while seeing very little return.

I knew that there that had to be another way. 

I wanted to be present at home AND to make an impact with my business so I needed to find a way to balance the two.

Enter systems.

I started getting REALLY serious about the systems and automations in my business.

That was the gaping hole that needed to be filled and once it was - I got the time back in my business to make the impact I wanted, flexibility in my hours so I could be present in my life, AND the income return I had been working for! 

Now, I'm on a mission to help other driven female entrepreneurs do the same. 

If you're ready to set up your business so you can make an impact

and have

sustainable, longterm success...

It all starts here. 

Sign up here so you don't miss any exclusive systems tips and first access to new offers!

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